Vessel Performance Info Copenhagen
How do we find the technologies which best align to our company's operations?
There is no single path to maritime decarbonisation. Some companies like UECC choose cashew nut shell liquid fuel. Some like Hoegh choose ammonia. Some choose cryogenic hydrogen. The companies choosing wind power select among multiple options. And there are different ways you can approach the purchasing of all kinds of bunker fuels to optimize costs and dicarbon.
Then there are multiple technologies available for hull cleaning from relatively simple to extremely autonomous. There are multiple approaches to crew training and supporting crew decision making. There are ways to automate processes onboard to make it easier for crew. Ways to manage overall shipboard system complexity, including safety systems and automation.
For voyage performance management, there are multiple ways to collect sensor data from onboard vessels, gather it together, send it to cloud servers, multiple ways to model data, and use it to make decisions. There are multiple ways to model the hydrodynamic performance of a ship. Multiple ways to optimize voyages, using hydrodynamic models, routing and weather. There are multiple ways to approach CII / ETS / Fuel EU Maritime compliance.
There are multiple ways to approach working with customers and banks to demonstrate decarbonisation. Multiple approaches to long term capital investment and maintaining commercial viability.
The important point here is that no shipping company could master all of this, and nor should they try to. Companies need to understand the technological approaches which best suits their company's operations. They need to create goal maps which show what they are trying to achieve in the context of decarbonisation.
It can be achieved through better technology transparency. This means understanding in-depth company goals and operations so you can see how decarbonisation technologies would best fit with them; understanding the various decarbonisation technologies and technological approaches; and understanding how the technologies 'work' so you can see how they can align with company goals.
We will explore this further at the Vessel Performance Info forum, organized by Digital Ship, in Copenhagen in October 3.
Call for speakers
Shipping company employees - please contact Matt Stevens on on / Tel +44 (0)208 150 5292
Speaker-sponsorship opportunites – please contact David Jeffries on / Tel +44 (0)208 150 5293
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